The summer has just flown by and I'm not really sure how. The girls and I have been busy inside avoiding the heat and humidity and somehow we are at the end of July...hmmm maybe we should venture out more. Nope never mind that requires chasing two small children with the third sticking straight out in front of me. We did take a little trip to visit Omah and Opah a few weeks ago. My parents were staying at a nearby lake with Kim and crew so we got to swim and experience some camping without actually camping. But I think that has been the sum and total of our "summer" activities.
Both girls are getting bigger, smarter, crazier...just about more of everything I guess. Zoey's favorite daily activities involve books, baby dolls and singing. She regularly tucks her baby in and sings "Growly Bear" as only a Zoe can do. If I can get the video to load I will try to share as we finally got her recorded last night. She will sit and flip through books by herself quietly for a good half hour or so, it's wonderful! She is currently identifying the parts of her baby and making her say "byebye" so I think something is sinking in. She found some of the baby jammies in the laundry basket (I just washed all the 0-6 month clothes:) yea! for nesting!) and told me nightnight and wanted me to put the jammies on her baby.
Charlotte is learning new and interesting things and is constantly asking questions. I keep trying to write them down so I can share them. Here are a few:
~Tilly and her friend Anne stayed with the girls so I could go to Mass last weekend. When I got back I was informed that our "homeschooling" needed some adjusting. Charlotte had apparently told them that Zoey is a skunk, and a skunk is a mammal with no mouth and it eats grass with its chin. When asked where she heard that she said Pops had told her. Sorry Pops! She comes up with the strangest things. I love three because she is so fascinating to listen to but then it comes with the flip side of her not wanting to listen to anybody else. She spent today alternating between constantly asking if I needed a hug and completely ignoring me when I tried to talk/direct her. Fun times I tell you!
~Last week she came and sat next to me on the sofa with her computer keyboard and said that she was going to check her blogs. I have no idea where she got that;) Then she told me she had something funny to show me. "Look mommy its a nacho tiger"
~Her sleep schedule at the moment has her in bed and asleep by 7pm so she is out before it comes close to getting dark. We were out at Nana and Gramps last week for Tilly's birthday party and didn't leave until 8:30 I think. So she got her first exposure to lightning bugs/fireflies. She looked for them the whole way home and Zac was explaining that when she was bigger they could catch them and put them in jars. A very interesting idea for her brain to process. The next day she asked me when she was going to get some bedtime bugs for her room. Apparently one day is enough to be bigger when you are 3.She is almost completely day time potty trained...only two accidents in the last two weeks. So we are making progress there.
As for me I have been crafting when I can, mostly crocheting at the moment due to mobility issues with being 7 months pregnant and all. I just posted all my currently finished projects and I have a few more in the works that need to have their pics taken so I will post those soon. I started a quilt for the baby but when I went to JoAnn's to find something Iliked to coordinate with it for borders I decided to go a completely new way so if someone wants me to actually finish the previously started one for a baby girl let me know b/c otherwise it is going in the to be finished at some other time basket. And as soon as I get it hung I will post a pic of the painting I did for the kids room.
Preggie wise I'm feeling pretty well this week. Hip pains seem to have subsided, mostly just tired and irritable. Lots of hormones but soon I will get to hold her and it will all be worth it. I'm almost 30 weeks and at 32 weeks I get to schedule when the c-section will be (sometime the 1st week in October) and I can at least know the last possible moment when she will come out. They will get me in faster if something starts happening though.