Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Uncooperative little baby!!!

Well, I'm 36 1/2 weeks pregnant now so little Zoey should be here sometime soon we hope. I had my last appointment last Friday and they verified that she is frank breech. I got to see her on the ultrasound again which was neat. She has huge feet like her sister and lots of hair (also like Lottie). However, she also appears to be lazy/comfortable where she is. (I have no idea where she gets that from;) We've been trying moxibustion this week to see if we can coax her to turn around but so far no luck. Just a nice congested mommy from the smoke. Since I was trying for a VBAC they can't manually turn her due to my scar from Lottie, so we may be looking at a repeat C-section. I go back on Friday so I'll know more then.

Our 5th attempt at Moxibustion... the sticks are getting small so we'll see if they last til my next appointment...

Helpful Lottie brushes my hair and hugs me while we sit with smoking hot sticks at my toes

Lottie and Duck in a box just for fun


Mackenzie said...

Sounds like Chinese food..."duck in a box". :p oooh, chinese food.....

Eliza Lois said...

you girls make me laugh :-)