This by far one of the most exciting pieces of mail I have ever gotten!!! Now I can finally quickly quilt some of my projects... Speaking of which the pic below is a shot of Charlotte's toddler bed quilt (its about 1/2 way pieced)

And this is a little bag that I made last week during the snow for her to play with her dolls

And this is a picture of my hair when its cooperating. I got it cut off but since there is a lot of wave in it and I normally shower at night by morning it looks like a cyclone hit it.

A few weeks ago Tilly and the kids came over to make fairy wands (ie chocolate covered pretzels) The girls loved them. And lets just say that the peanut butter & chocolate ones were well received... nobody but the mommas got those=)

And Miss Zoey has discovered a great love of jelly beans...if only her daddy had discovered the great invention of a bib...

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