Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A fun purse for me!

We had a nice quiet weekend. It was wonderful because I was able to finally finish the purse I started months ago and get my craft room organized. All my things are now in one room, no more running up and down the stairs looking for things. I'm so very excited, now if only Lottie would go to sleep on time;)

I also got some very exciting news this morning. My sister-in-law, Miss Tilly, my partner in "sewing crime", is expecting her second baby in May. So very happy for them, especially since little Jenny has been saying that she needs a baby! I guess little ones know best sometimes. Lottie has been obsessed with my tummy since before we found out I was pregnant this time.

My lovely purse! Not quite the way the pattern looked, but practice makes perfect right? And everyone always needs another purse;)

My Lottie decided that the fall schedule for the Parks & Rec Assoc. needed to be taken seriously. She pulled up her chair to read.


Mackenzie said...

She is sooo stinkin' cute! :) Love this shoes, Miss Lottie! Nice purse, oh PISC (partner in sewing crime). I found the instructions...try to get them to you tomorrow. :)

Eliza Lois said...

even you cuter than you described!! xoox