Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summer Days

My girls are having a wonderful summer. It's amazing how fast time has flown. Zoey is now five months old and she can roll over onto her tummy and pivot around to find the toy she wants. Almost able to scoot so crawling is just around the corner!!! Charlotte is getting bigger everyday and talking more. She can carry on a conversation now and loves to talk to her daddy on the phone. Her end normally consists of several nods, "baby", and "yup", but its definitely a conversation. So very cute and big girl like!!! She has recently discovered swimming both in the bath tub and outside in the pool. It is the new incentive to take a nap. Yesterday after naptime we went to Tilly's to swim in Jenny's pool and today they are coming here. Its great fun and the girls are much better behaved with a set activity.

On the home front I am trying out Flylady's baby steps. My house is so much better than it used to be but it still needs work. So far its working well and I'm not overwhelmed. Who knew that keeping my sink shiny would make the rest of my day flow better. I get computer time and I can cuddle Zoey for awhile while Charlotte naps instead of spending the whole time washing dishes. And I was even able to attempt sewing a new skirt for me. It looks lovely until I put it on. Hits my curves in all the wrong places...oh well! I guess someone else gets a new skirt.

I'm working on better daily routines. My girls get up early so I'm learning to make myself adjust to this. Today we went for a walk and we were out of the house before 7:30 am to do it! Making time to get the mama back in better shape is my newest priority. I have learned to say better shape because according to Monkey round is a shape. So maybe different shape is a better way to put it.

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